Did I Mention

That we moved? We totally did, by the way! Thomas got promoted to Corporal in March (did I mention that either? No? I’m terrible aren’t I :D) and we rate a new house. So now we’re living in Oceanside and we have a yard area and a playground and we love it! The point is, I’m putting it out there that I will have pictures of the new place by this weekend. Because maybe if I tell you I’m doing it, I’ll really do it. Maybe.

On Blogging

I blog as a way to reach out to my family. I started my blog almost two years ago when my husband Thomas was in training to become a United States Marine. We were just about to get stationed in Camp Pendleton, California which is a 40 hour non-stop drive or two $450 plane tickets from our hometown. My blog is an easy way to keep all our family involved in our lives even though we don't get to see them every day.

Ten months ago, an extra reason to blog came into our lives in the form of an adorable, wiggly, baby boy. Being a mother is like nothing else. I have been proud of people before, but it has never been like this! Everything he does is perfect! Amazing!! Newsworthy!!! And what better place to publish all this newsworthiness than on my blog. There is a cravat to the "I blog about my baby" issue though. He is a mama's boy. Big time. So even though my days are filled with cuteness that I need to tell the world about, I can't. Because that cuteness is pulling on my pants and demanding my attention. But sometimes, when he is in bed, and if I can still remember what he did, it makes it to the Internet so our friends and family can be amazed as well.

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Saturday Beach Day!

Thomas: “Do you think it’s warm enough to go to the beach?”
Liz: “I dunno, lemme check.”
Time passes
Liz: “Yeah, should we take lunch?”
Thomas: “Sure.”
And that is the story of how we ended up at the beach with a picnic lunch on Saturday afternoon.

Also I’ve got a wicked sunburn on my shoulders because I forgot that my shirt had a low cut back 😦


So I definitely forgot about my blog for a minute there, oops 🙂 I switched internet browsers from Google Chrome to Safari because it wasn’t letting me upload pictures to Flickr and it didn’t move all my bookmarked pages over so I had to reset them from memory. I guess WordPress is the one I forgot 😀 Well hopefully getting it back on my bookmarks toolbar will fix the whole no posting situation!
In other news, make sure to watch the video of William and the puppy that’s on Flickr!! It’s the best ever! Do it now!!! 😀

The Christmas Day Post

Coming down the stairs on Christmas morning!

Santa-daddy was here!

And he ate his cookies (except for the mushy part of course 😉 )

Opening presents is fun!

Baby plays with bows…

Daddy plays with bows…

Mama plays with bows…

Howdy Cow!!!!

While William napped, we put together his new toy shelves and put away all his toys. Isn’t this the most fun play area ever?!

Merry Christmas everybody!!

The Christmas Eve Post

William helping decorate sugar cookies

But then he discovered there was something delicious on the spoon and decided to just lick the frosting off 🙂

All ready for bed in his Christmas jammies!

William is putting out some cookies and a Monster drink for Santa-daddy.

The cookie William decorated/chewed on 🙂

Reading the Christmas story with Daddy.